How will the candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction improve Arizona education?

Candidates running for Superintendent of Public Instruction were invited to be interviewed as a part of this project. Candidates were each asked five questions about education in Arizona based on priorities that Arizona voters shared as a part of a recent survey of Arizona voters. Each candidate was given up to 1.5 minutes to respond to each question and received the questions ahead of time. Their responses are included below in full and have not been edited. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. This project is led by Education Forward Arizona and is a nonpartisan voter education effort.

Teachers & Leaders

How will you ensure that every Arizona school has quality teachers and school leaders? This is especially important for low-income, rural, Tribal communities, and communities of color.

Kathy Hoffman

Tom Horne

Education Funding

What will you do to address funding for education, including early education, K-12, community colleges, and universities?

Kathy Hoffman

Tom Horne

Early Education

How will you make sure every child in Arizona has the opportunity for quality early childhood education? Specifically, would you support greater pre-K options and full-day Kindergarten, especially for low-income families and those that don’t have access?

Kathy Hoffman

Tom Horne

Student Success

The pandemic affected so many students with the greatest impact felt by students of color. What can be done to make sure more students are reading and doing math at grade level?

Kathy Hoffman

Tom Horne

Higher Education

How will you help more Arizonans earn a degree or postsecondary credential in order to meet Arizona’s goal of reaching 60% education attainment by 2030? Additionally, what is your position on providing more state financial aid to help more students earn a college degree or credential, which is important for low-income students and students of color?

Kathy Hoffman

Tom Horne

Ed Voters Arizona is a project of Education Forward Arizona. As a 501(c)3 organization, Education Forward Arizona does not endorse candidates or influence the outcome of candidate elections.